Teachers love this word. But many teachers just expect students to be able to plan and don’t bother teaching this as a vital skill which can help in all subject areas.
One of the most common things I hear from my students is ‘I don’t like planning, so I never plan’. It may feel like a chore and seem to be a waste of valuable exam time when you are under so much pressure, but believe me, it works!!!
Once you figure out your individual planning style, you will be able to write amazing essays easily.
Planning is totally unique to you. It doesn’t have to be neat and won’t be marked by the examiner. However, an examiner may look over your planning if you don’t finish your essay, so it’s a good way to show them what you HAD planned to write.
Here are my top tips for planning success:
Highlight the keywords in the question.
Highlight any key quotations you want to use to support your points.
Make notes of any keywords you want to include.
Experiment with different planning techniques such as bullet points, lists, brainstorming, and colours. Whatever works for you! Remember, planning is personal and specific to you.
Please get in touch if you would like more help in this area.
