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Ace the poetry exam!

GCSE AQA Literature-Power and Conflict

As an AQA examiner, I have gained a real insight into HOW the exam board mark and what EXACTLY they are looking for.

You MUST know the assessment objectives and understand how to respond based on the criteria.

AO1 task-write about both poems.

The named poem is printed out for you, but you will have to choose which one to compare it to, from one of the 15 poems in the anthology that you will have studied in class. You CAN write about them separately. This is easier to do, and I have witnessed some top-quality answers that write about the two poems separately- you don’t have to compare the poems!

AO1 REFS-use appropriate references from the poems to support your points.

Choose a suitable quote to back up your point. Easy! Top tip: don’t choose the most obvious quote as it will be difficult to analyse it in an original way. Choose something more complex where you can then showcase your amazing analytical skills.

AO2 Examine language in detail.

You must be able to look beyond the literal meanings and consider hidden meanings in the text. Think about the poet's techniques and evaluate the effects on the reader.

AO3 Link context into your answer.

For Power and conflict, you must understand the bigger picture, for example, the soldier in ‘Bayonet Charge’ was patriotic but then during the violence of war, he started to wonder why he was so easily persuaded to fight (propaganda). He knows that war is futile. You gain more marks if you can link this to a quote and analyse the language rather than ‘tagging’ it somewhere as an add-on.

Do not spend time writing a long introduction and conclusion.

Dive straight into the analysis and the hidden meanings in the text. A short introduction with a simple overview of the poems is sufficient, but not necessary.

Finally, spend some time planning your idea, even if it is just 5 minutes. This will help you to focus your thoughts and allows you to write your ideas much quicker.

My next blog will cover some examples I have written to show how you can easily progress from a grade 4 to a grade 9 response.

If you would like to ask any questions about the information provided here or would like to enquire about English tuition, please get in touch. I would be more than happy to chat with you in more detail about your concerns/ requirements.



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